Roseberry Dogs


When it came time to find a breeder for us to purchase a Chocolate Labrador Retriever from, we had a bit of a rough time.  I did a lot of research, made a lot of phone calls, visited several breeders, obtained several referrals. We were searching for a breeder who first and foremost wanted to breed healthy, sound puppies. We looked very closely at the health history and pedigree of both the dam and sire.  I have seen far too many Labradors, who were poorly bred and the ending results were horrible dysplasia. It absolutely breaks my heart to see an animal in pain.  We also wanted to make sure we ended up with a female that had beauty, brains, and athleticism.   I just wasn’t impressed. All the breeders I researched and visited looked great on paper, but meeting their dogs left me disappointed. Our search had been going on for about a year when my husband and I were at a Home And Garden Show. We came up to one of the vendors and my breath was taken away by this beautiful male Chocolate Labrador. Everything about him was exactly what we had been looking for! While I tried to act like I was interested in what he was selling, I couldn’t help but notice the stature, temperament, and beauty of his dog. After talking to him for over 30 minutes and getting to love on that beautiful dog, we found out breeder info! I of course searched them and was researching the second we walked away! I researched all of their beautiful dogs and visited with them several times and we were  sure what litter we wanted to wait for. When we got the call that they had a litter we were so excited to pick her out! It was an easy choice, she was spunky and had so much personality! Not to mention, she was beautiful!  We finally had our girl!

Charli is our precious Chocolate Labrador Retriever. She is a sweet natured, well mannered dog that has never met a stranger.  She prefers to be outside…if we’re outside, and prefers the inside… if we’re inside. That is a typical Labrador for you, they desire to be wherever their family is. In the morning she can be found at my bathroom sink as I do makeup and hair. She is usually about 5 feet away from me all the time! Charli is also quite playful! She loves a good long walk, a game of frisbee, and will play fetch with a tennis ball for hours on end! Charli also has a great temperament. She has several neighbor dogs that she has made great friends with! We also have a cat named Diggy that she loves playing with! Diggy acts annoyed, but he isn’t fooling us! Charli’s love for our two daughters is absolutely adorable. Every morning she goes into their room and rests her head on their chest. I think its her way of giving a morning hug. She sometimes will give a little kiss as well! Charli is part of our life every day from sun up to sun down. She is a fantastic part of our life and definitely part of our family!


Izzy is our newest addition here at Roseberry Labradoodles!  She is out of Charli and Teddy’s first litter and we are so excited about her!  She was the tiniest puppy out of their litter so she may have received special attention from all of us! She is a bundle of fun and personality and is always trying to persuade Charli to join in on the action! She tries daily to engage our geriatric cat Diggy in a friendly game of chase, which only happens on Diggy’s terms and not very often! While Izzy is certainly playful, she is highly intelligent and has a calm disposition!  She’s also the perfect size to climb on your lap for some cuddles!  Besides having a fantastic personality, she is a true beauty!  Izzy gets to meet new people everywhere we go, everyone just cant resist her precious face and soft coat!  She is definitely a show stopper!  The highlight of her day is riding in the truck to go pick the girls up from school or attending a soccer game or practice! She loves soccer, and may have killed a soccer ball or two! We are so excited about her future and the possibility of breeding her in the future!